Tuesday 19 May 2015

NUCF Minutes 14/05/2015

Minutes of NUCF

Date: 14/05/2015
Location: Brunswick Church
Chair: Terry
Apologises: Andy, Chris

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events
No updates around the groups are available in the note taken at the forum.
Questions for Sarah Blakley around active inclusion (housing)

Feedback from talking to the members who attended was that a lot of the conversation was around the ‘blue sky’ ideal scenarios that are simply not possible in the current economic climate e.g. the night shelter.

The questions that have been sent to Sarah based on the notes are:

Is there a criteria around who can get housed and where they would sit on any priority list according to their circumstances and can it be shared with the forum?

Is there a type of flow chart that shows a person’s journey from homeless to housed (can it be shared with the forum?)

When people are released from prison they can seem to slip through the net. I know this is not directly your role but again is there a flow chart or expected route for these people to receive support and housing?

Date agreed for 31/5/15 Leazes Park from 12pm
All the purchasing of food and by whom was decided at the last forum. All items on the agreed list will be paid for by the forum and so people will be reimbursed.

If extra calls are to be made to see if we can get donations then these need to be done and all in place for the next forum on 28/5/15. Current estimate are 50 people will be attending.

Sponsored Events
Discussion around the sponsored walk. It was agreed at the 30/4/15 forum that a route would be agreed between: Newburn to Wylam or St Mary’s to Tynemouth to be decided at this forum. It wasn’t so this will be carried forward to the forum on 28/5/15.

Sponsor sheets have been designed by Chris (big thanks to Chris for more great work) and were handed out to members.

Peer Mentoring Course
Course starts in June and Terry gave out paperwork to members. Applications needed to be handed in by 18/5/15 to turning point.

RICH Program
Chris talked about the RICH program and gave out information and a questionnaire to members who wanted to get involved.

AOB – None

Next NUCF 28/05/2015 at Plummer Court.                    
Chair: Andy

Minutes: Richie

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