About NUCF

The Newcastle User Carer Forums was established to ensure that service users’ views are fed into strategic planning and delivery.

To ensure that the voices of users and carers in both the treatment system and recovery communities are heard and acted upon.

To enable positive outcomes within decision making commissioning and procurement processes.

To support and represent the voices of service users across the Drug, Alcohol, Offending and Housing agendas.

Who are we?

·       The Newcastle User Carer Forum (NUCF) is a commissioned forum funded by the Local Authority.

·       It has been in existence for 7 years.

·       Its aim is to give service users in Newcastle a voice and an influence around how services are commissioned and run within Newcastle i.e. the design and delivery of services.

·       The forum is run by its members for its members. The only criteria for membership are that you are, or have been involved with services within Newcastle (specifically drug and alcohol, housing or criminal justice). Attendance is purely voluntary.

·       Members can come from any service in Newcastle there are no restrictions. It is not 12 step based or funded we value and welcome all forms of recovery that can help members in their journey.
  • Momentum is maintained by effective communication, advocacy, meaningful structure and peer led support
  • It is represented by members on strategic planning groups
What do we do?

·       We meet every other Thursday 12.00 – 2.00 at different Services around Newcastle.

·       We invite guest speakers to present on relevant topics, recent guests included housing officers, probation manager and commissioning officers.

·       We provide feedback to and from Services on the service user experience and feedback directly to the Newcastle Commissioner for Drugs and Alcohol and her team.

·       We provide some peer led support groups.

  •         Trading Places Sunday 10.00 - 12.00 at Ron Eager House, homeless kitchen and support
  •       Plummer Court Wednesday 10.30 – 11.30 12 step introduction group
  •       Plummer Court Wednesday 1.00 – 2.00 to share experience, strength and hope with clients in the day centre
  •       Plummer Court Wednesday 2.00 – 3.00 recovery meeting
  •       Plummer Court Tuesday and Thursday Recovery Clinic
  •       Future groups will be based at Probation and Lifeline
·       Travel expenses to the forum are provided.

·       If members can commit to a number of volunteer groups then a weekly travel pass is provided.

·       Where ever and whenever we meet there is lunch provided.

·       In the near future we are involved in a number of new opportunities:
  •      Presenting to Newcastle University Social Work students

  •      Visiting some schools in Newcastle to share our experiences

  •      Possibly working with local GP’s and Pharmacists
So in summary we are busy and always looking for new members.

The forum is held every 2 weeks on a Thursday at 12pm in one of the service user venues across Newcastle.

To find out the venue of the next forum or for any further information please contact Andy Hackett Service User Involvement Officer.

Mobile: 07812672803