Tuesday 17 November 2015

NUCF Service User Charter and Principles 2015


Service User Charter 
For people who use services in the Drug and Alcohol treatment system 

Our Vision and Principles 

“Our vision as people using services in Newcastle is to be given the appropriate responsive treatment and support to cater for our needs. 

  • To be treated in a professional manner and to be given time to speak and to be listened to. 
  • To know that all professionals will treat us with dignity and respect and without prejudice of any kind and an expectation that we will do the same. 
  • To be signposted to any services, the recovery community and any peer support that will benefit us in our treatment journey. And take the responsibility to engage with them. 
  • To receive information about changes or new services. And be able to give feedback into the new processes. While seeing an ongoing development and improvement of services. 
  • To be challenged in a professional manner especially on drug seeking and manipulative behavior. And to accept these challenges and respond appropriately. 
  • To be encouraged to include family members or carers during our treatment and that all services will be proactive in enabling this process at every opportunity. 
  • To be made aware of a clear procedure for comments (positive and negative) and complaints about the treatment system and receive a written response to any issue raised. To be respectful in the way we raise this feedback. 

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