Terms of Reference & What We Do

Name of group
Newcastle User and Carer Forum (NUCF)
Aims &
Key tasks

Enable service users to have a voice and feed back to commissioners and decision makers to help improve services for service users and carers
Give service users a say
To  identify and respond to any gaps identified in the system
Advocacy and mentoring
Signposting to other services or support
Training, education and volunteering opportunities
Training, education and volunteering
Routes into social inclusion
Who the service is for
Adults over 18, service users or ex service users  
Meeting details
Service User Forum – every second Thursday
12pm to 2pm at different commissioned and non commissioned services across Newcastle. The
Carer Forum usually have 2
Joint meetings with the service user Forum a year.
Who we communicate with
DSU and relevant groups
Service user groups

How we communicate
Quarterly reports to ACG and ATG
Membership of group
Any current or ex service user
Advisors to the group
Andy Hackett, Service User Involvement Officer

Relevant support groups

Newcastle User and Carer Forum (NUCF)

The NUCF Forum was set up to ensure that there was a mechanism for feedback to commissioners and decision makers on the issues that affect service users and carers, and their experiences of service provision. More recently, the Forum has become integral to the System Modernisation Project and feedback and involvement into this project is shaping the way that services will be commissioned in the future.

This includes writing the Service User Principles and Vision that will be included in service contracts through System Modernisation, and which regular audits will take place against through the Forum. 

Another key task of the Forum has been to help train service users and carers to become representatives on various meetings and steering groups, and ongoing training (including Stronger Voices and Train the Trainer) will develop this key task further over the coming year.

In terms of peer led initiatives and support, the Forum has been successful in establishing and coordinating the following peer led support groups:

  • Trading Places, this was the north east winner in the group category of the Tackling Drugs Changing Lives Awards in 2007 and short listed to the final 3 in the Community Care Awards 2006 (Drug and Alcohol Category). Recently, a joint bid was successful with Helix Art’s to run a local arts project for a year 
  • Plummer Court Advisory Group, which helps feedback to the service users in the detox or titration part of Plummer with advice, information and signposting
  • Bridge View Support for You Group, which helps service users going through titration by offering them help, information and advice as well as signposting to other relevant services or activities
  • Hepatitis C Support Group, which meets weekly and organised a local event on World Hepatitis Awareness Day to help raise awareness and reduce stigma. A complementary therapist is also available at this group to help reduce the side effects of treatment.
In all groups, training, education and activities have enabled service users’ pathways into social reintegration.

The success of the groups has been largely due to service users taking the lead in developing a needs led response to a gap that they have identified. The various groups have been supported by staff in various agencies in a partnership approach, along with the Service User Involvement Officer who will provide ongoing coordination and support.  All groups will soon have completed their terms of reference and group information pack and this will be circulated in a fuller document once complete.

Future development

The Forum will remain an independent group to feedback to DSU and any Strategic groups. Any service user development or initiatives will be coordinated through the Forum across the whole Newcastle system through the User Involvement Worker, supported by the Drug Strategy Coordinator.

The Service User Involvement Strategy will be updated and revised.

All user groups will feed into the Forum on a weekly basis and will be funded fairly and equally, and any support needs will be addressed through the Forum (expenses, training, etc).

Expenses will be paid as per the Newcastle Expenses Policy.