Tuesday 5 May 2015

Daily Message of Recovery

Minutes of NUCF

Date: 30/04/2015
Location: Plummer Court
Chair: Martin
Apologises: Terry and Cliff

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Update from Dave and explanation of TP to new members. A great way to volunteer and a very rewarding experience.

Monday Plummer Court – New group Monday 11.00-1.00 in the day centre with forum members sharing their experience with people on their first day of alcohol or drug detox. Well received by clients in Plummer. Members of the forum will be there on Bank Holiday Monday.

Wednesday Plummer Court – Group continues on a Wednesday and is well established now and well attended by forum members. Chris gave an update on the last Plummer group and some good relationships being built with 1 client attending the afternoon and evening NA meeting.

Recovery Clinic – Generally all going well. Important for the forum to maintain a presence there. No update was available on the Tuesday group.

Question was raised as to whether NUCF volunteers have to be abstinent to volunteer? The NUCF supports recovery in all formats and members do not have to be in abstinence based recovery to attend the forum or the client advisory volunteer groups. However, volunteers must be stable in their recovery to ensure a positive image of the forum and of recovery is shown whenever we are representing the NUCF.

UKRW15 – Andy gave an explanation of what the UKRW15 is all about. More details available at http://www.ukrecoverywalk.org/durham-walk-2015/

Planning meetings are the last Friday of every month in Durham. The forum is involved in the planning and are members of the festival and events team which is looking after the stage events at the walk. Anyone who would like to go contact Andy 07812672803 or andy.hackett@Newcastle.gov.uk

There is a planned sub-committee meeting on the 14/05/2015 so the same applies let Andy know of you want to go along. Lunch is provided at the monthly meetings and transport will be provided too.

Sponsored Events and Summer Stuff!
It was agreed at the previous forum that we would do some sponsored events and summer activities in the next few months.

Ideas: Camping, BBQ, Park visit, Canoeing, Kielder forest via the Calvert Trust (Martin will investigate this and communicate back the forum)

BBQ in the park to be the first summer event:
Leases Park 31/05/15
Friends and families including children are welcome
Karen to share with Recovery Centre and invite volunteers from there.
Richie – to source sports equipment
Christine and Chris – to source the meat
Andrea and Gillian – items for salad
Terry and Chris P – BBQ’s, plates, cups etc.
Gary to help with food preparation

Some questions about accessing the minutes and the blog. Chris gave the blog address (http://nucf-group.blogspot.co.uk/) to members and it will be sent out by text when the minutes are sent.

Sponsored Events
The charities the forum supports be decided on a rota basis and the first sponsored event will be a walk.

2 routes were suggested: Newburn to Wylam or St Mary’s to Tynemouth to be decided at the next forum.

Chris will design the sponsor sheets
Andy to print them all to be handed out at the next forum.

Questions for the Housing Team
The format for Sarah Blakey’s next visit to the forum on 28th will be different. There will be specific questions/feedback for Sarah gathered by the forum and passed on to Sarah before the 28th so she (or her colleagues) can source the answers and give specifics back to the forum.
The questions will be part of the agenda for the NUCF on the 14/05/2015

AOB - None
Next NUCF 14/05/2015 at Brunswick Church – to be confirmed.                 

Chair: Christine.

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