Wednesday 10 December 2014

Personal Share by Pam

I remember when I was in “the madness”……although my madness didn’t consist of “crazy things” and “great nights out,” ……at least not at the end, it consisted of ISOLATION, LONLINESS, a mere existence!

Once I finally got “sick of being sick,” and I finally took the Dreaded “leap of faith” by being honest with my Hepatology consultant AND MYSELF, and admitted that I was in desperate need of help, my life started to turn around.

The forum has helped give me structure back in my life, something to look forward to, something to be “part of” and something that hopefully, with my contribution, will make a difference to other addicts and carers, and demonstrate that there is “life after addiction,”…….There is HOPE.

The work that is done at the “client advisory” session at Plummer Court on a Wednesday afternoon, of which I am a contributor of, not only shows those going through Detox and Titration that there is a way out, but also helps me immensely with my own recovery, keeping me grounded, reminding me of where I have come from, and how each day, my addiction is only ever 1 drink away.

I will always be grateful to the NUCF for the opportunity, and as it continues to grow, alongside my sobriety, together, we CAN make a difference.
