Tuesday 17 November 2015

NUCF Service User Responsibilities Charter 2015


Service User Responsibilities Charter 

For people who use services in the Drug and Alcohol treatment system 

Our Responsibilities 
  • Treat staff with respect and have an open, honest and constructive conversation about our care and treatment  
  • Consider the advice we are given by professionals, cooperate with any agreed decisions and work towards achieving them.  
  • Make our preferences known in any discussions about our care and once agreed, actively work towards agreed actions  
  • Make every effort to attend appointments and keep our personal details up-to-date  
  • Take responsibility for our own recovery and look at all things in our lives that could have a positive or negative effect on our wellbeing.   
  • Give feedback on our experiences of services. Be honest and open about what help we need, what works, what doesn’t and why.  
  • We will work towards making a significant contribution to our own, and where possible our family’s, good health and wellbeing, and take personal responsibility for it.   
  • We will endeavor to be seen as capable of changing and becoming positively connected to our local community and support networks  
  • We will get access to information on the different pathways to recovery. We will make sure that we get this information in a way we can fully understand it.   
  • We will set our own recovery goals, working with others to develop a personalised recovery plan based on accurate and understandable information about our health. Including a wide-range of holistic options to help with our needs and aspirations.  

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