Friday 12 June 2015

NUCF Minutes 11/06/2015

Minutes of NUCF
Date: 11/06/2015
Location: Plummer Court
Chair: Andy

Apologises: None

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events
All the groups that the forum are involved in reported no issues and all going well.
Date agreed for 14/6/15 Leazes Park from 1pm
Members will meet up at the bandstand and use mobiles if they can’t find each other or don’t know the area. Some food will be provided: burgers, sausages, buns with people bringing their own none alcoholic drinks and any additional food they want.

Walk is the 12/9/2015 there will be a bus to take members to Durham for the walk the cost of which will be potentially shared with another organisation. There is also the chance to have a sleep out at Durham Cathedral on the Friday before these tickets need to be booked on line at

The tickets cost £10 or if you are in recovery you can make a donation depending on what you can afford. The is also a conference the day before the walk to book tickets for this follow the link

Forum members are allowed to bring children on the bus and there will be bands, speakers, tents and rides at the walk and lots more!

Guest Speakers
We discussed having more guest speakers at the forum and everyone agreed to come back with thoughts on who would be a good future speaker. Our last speaker Sarah Blakey is setting up a meeting for us with representatives of HAC to see if there is any possibility for the forum to do some joint working with that team.

Service Provision in Newcastle
An update was given on the timelines and communication process around tender and the new service offering to be implemented in Newcastle.

AOB – None

Next NUCF 25/06/2015 at Outlook or Jesmond Dene depending on the weather 

Chair: Richie
Minutes: Cliff

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