Thursday 9 April 2015

NUCF Minutes 2nd April 2015

Minutes of NUCF

Date: 02/04/2015
Location: Plummer Court
Chair: Terry

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – On every Sunday now. The service is going really well with no issues or problems to report. The volunteers are happy with everything and working hard as ever and enjoying giving back to those in need. Confirmed that TP would be open Easter Sunday with Easter eggs for all!

Monday Plummer Court – New group Monday 11.00-1.00 in the day centre with forum members sharing their experience with people on their first day of alcohol or drug detox. Well received by clients in Plummer.

Wednesday Plummer Court – Group continues on a Wednesday and is well established now and well attended by forum members. Chris asked to be added to the rota for this group.

Recovery Clinic – Generally all going well. Depending on the days and times the numbers of clients can vary, seems to be much busier on Tuesday. Important for the forum to maintain a presence there. Mac to take over from Gary on Tuesday, thanks to Gary for the time and effort he has put into the Recovery clinic

Parent’s Session at Trinity College – The planned sessions on 26th and 27th March had to be postponed and will be rescheduled for after the Easter break.

NUCF Charter and guest speakers

There is an existing Charter for the Newcastle User side of the forum. This has been around for a number of years and has not had input from any existing member of the NUCF. The forum went through the existing Charter and suggested amendments to the wording and content. The charter will be re-visited at the next NUCF with the amendments made. This can be made public but will be an ever changing document that the forum will update when necessary.

CRI Questionnaire
CRI asked in advance of the forum if the members could fill in a questionnaire around SU involvement. The document was circulated during lunch and members were given the chance to fill it in.

UKRW 2015

The next planning session of the UKRW 2015 will be in Durham on 24th April @ 1.00pm. There will be attendance from the forum. There is opportunity to get involved in the planning and on the day with sub groups including; volunteer stewards, fund raising, creative arts, entertainment, festival and events. There is a conference on the Friday before the walk and a football tournament. There is also the opportunity for a camp out in Durham Cathedral.

Men in Recovery Event
A men’s recovery event is being planned for July and to be held at the Hancock Museum in Newcastle. The theme is around men’s health and all the forms this can take. It will be open to men in recovery and more information will follow closer to the event.


Museum event. Feedback was that initially there was a lack of organisation and communication and people didn’t know what they were doing. However, there is a blank canvas there for the forum to be involved in and develop.

Rota for Plummer. Suggestion that the rota should change so the same people are there on a Monday and a Wednesday to build rapport with the clients. Concerns that some people may not be able to make Monday and Wednesday and so may miss out on the opportunity to attend. Rota to be revisited after Easter.

Bike Ride. Kevin confirmed that the forum can have access to bikes for use in sponsored event.

PHE Conference. Taking place at the Sage Gateshead 23rd and 24th June. Event includes stalls to show case smaller organisations that are active in the community. NUCF will have the opportunity to be there contact Andy if you would like to be involved on the day.

Next NUCF 16/04/2015
Location: Outlook in Jesmond
Chair: Chris

Minute taker: Nasir

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