Wednesday 11 March 2015

NUCF Minutes 5th March 2015

Minutes of NUCF

Date: 05/03/2015

Location: Brunswick Church

Chair: Richard

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – On every Sunday now. The service is going really well with no issues or problems to report. The volunteers are happy with everything and working hard as ever and enjoying giving back to those in need.

Plummer Court – Peer to peer support in the day centre, excellent way for clients to have a visible presence of recovery. No issues reported back by volunteers and very positive feedback from Plummer Court.

Recovery Clinic – Generally all going well. Depending on the days and times the numbers of clients can vary. Important for the forum to maintain a presence there. Opportunities for people to volunteer, contact Andy.

Sarah Blakey – Active Inclusion Officer
Sarah talked about the quarterly homeless forum which is held at Newcastle Civic and looks at the National and local plans to improve the experience of people who are homeless or facing homelessness. Forum members are welcome to attend and Andy will co-ordinate some representation for the next meeting.

In trying to engage with other client groups it was suggested to have some sort of forum at Trading Places. Sarah was happy to be part of this. Forum members will look at how this would work and possibly some brief questions for the regular Trading Places clients.
Discussed the benefits of having some additional signposting at HAC for addiction services across the City. Sarah will investigate the possibility of having forum members present in HAC.

Duncan Miller and Clare Barrett – Commissioning Team
Duncan and Clare came back to the forum to update on the next steps around the tender process for the new Service offering in Newcastle.

The feedback document was circulated as well as the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). Duncan talked the forum through the IIA and the how the forum’s feedback had been added to the overall proposal document.

The timescales for the tender were explained i.e. 2nd March for the tender to be open to potential Service Providers and 10th April as the closing date. Forum members were also invited to be part of the decision making process behind the tender. Up to 10 members needed so if you would like to be involved contact Andy, this will take place on the week starting 13th April.

The documentation is available on the Newcastle Council web site for anyone who would like to look at the details. Clare talked people through the bid process and the value of the bid (£1.1 million each year for 3 years).

There followed a number of question from the forum that sparked a debate around treating the initial causes of addiction rather than the end results. Also further feedback on the services currently available in Newcastle.

Trinity Oakfield College – Parents Learning Sessions
The forum has visited Trinity College and delivered drug and alcohol awareness sessions to all of the pupils. There is now the opportunity for the forum to deliver sessions to the parents around the signs to look for, particularly around drug use. If people want to get involved please contact Andy.

UKRW 2015
The UK Recovery Walk 2015 is to be hosted by Durham. The planning sessions for the walk are being held every last Friday of the month. There is opportunity for forum members to attend and be involved on the planning and the activities on the day. Next meeting is Friday 27th March.

Crisis Employment Fortnight.
Flyer and information was circulated for the Crisis employment fortnight giving information about getting into work and the opportunity to meet potential employers. Details on Crisis web site: Crisis Skylight Newcastle

Turning Point Consultation Event
On the 18th March Turning Point are having a consultation day around the new service in Newcastle that Duncan and Clare talked about. Forum members are invited to take part. The event is from 11.00-2.00 on the 18th with lunch provided. Contact Andy if you want more information or would like to attend.


Cliff is looking at a team building event for the forum and will come back to the next forum with dates and costs.

Next NUCF 19/03/15 12.00-2.00

Venue Brunswick Church

Chair – Cliff

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