Wednesday 4 February 2015

Daily Message of Recovery

If you have a problem with drugs, there's a wide range of addiction services that can help
Some of these services are provided by the NHS, and some are specialist drug facilities run by charities and private organisations.
This guide to getting treatment for a drug problem will steer you through the options, so you can find help that works for you. If you have a problem with drugs, you have the same entitlement to care as anyone coming to the NHS for help with any other health problem.
With the right help and support it's possible for you to get drug free and stay that way.
Where to get help for drugs
A good place to start is to visit your GP. Your GP can discuss your concerns with you, assess the nature of your problems and help you choose the most appropriate treatment. Your GP might offer to treat you or might refer you to your local specialist drug service.
Many drug treatment services accept self-referrals so, if you're not comfortable talking to your GP, you might be able to approach your local drug treatment service directly.
You can find information about local drug treatment services on the Frank website.
If you’re having trouble finding the right sort of help, call the Frank drugs helpline on 0300 123 6600. An adviser can talk to you about the different options.
Drug Treatment Service
If you are seen at your local drug treatment service, you will first be assessed and, if you are deemed appropriate for treatment, you will then be allocated a keyworker. Your keyworker may be a doctor, a nurse or a drugs worker. 
Your keyworker will help you organise the treatment that you need, develop a personalised care plan with you and be your first point of call throughout your treatment. You’ll see your keyworker for regular one-to-one sessions during your treatment. 
Charity and Private Drugs Treatment
Outside the NHS, there are many voluntary sector and private drug and alcohol treatment organisations that can help you. As well as residential rehab centres, community services of various types are provided by voluntary organisations. These include structured day programmes, outreach and harm reduction services, counselling services, aftercare and housing support.
Check the homepage of this Blog for Drug and Alcohol treatment services in the Newcastle Upon Tyne area.
Information sourced from:

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