Friday 14 November 2014

Personal Share by Terry Recovery Volunteer and NUCF member

I am currently involved in the Recovery Clinic at Plummer Court on Thursday's.

An exciting volunteering role based at Plummer court, offering peer support on a 1-1 bases on strength and hope from my own experiences and giving clients hope, that recovery is a journey and that through network of support and what NUCF has given myself since leaving Rehab and many obscures along the way. 

I have learnt that sharing and listening My own stories through losing everything and losing faith and belief, that turning a corner was a fear when shame and guilt was what i lived, I found life a bore and family and children a resentment that held me back, when truly this wasn't the case but I had to look at some of my own faults and that this disease was but a symptom and that my behaviour needed addressing. Since then and now looking back on the very low parts of my life and despair and hurt I brought to others and myself, I have come to accept and learnt many new ways to cope and manage things and knowing I have a network of peers and social network of friends from many walks of life, keeps me sane and strong. I have been able today to walk a wider path without much fear or remorse but learnt that each day I can choose to help myself and help others. Giving back something to the community in recovery is certainly helping myself, either via telephone support, to people wishing to reduce or give them hope, to going onto wards in detox. 

The recovery clinic  is a new form of support offering peer support to  individuals the opportunity to learn new ways on coping and managing and what's also on offer via many agencies either via volunteering or other support groups, and ways to meet new people in similar situations and pass on the message that you don't have to suffer no more, as there's lots of help and support out there. 

You have a voice let it be heard have your say and be counted.