Date: 29/10/2015
Location: Plummer Court
Apologies: None
Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events
Trading Places – Usual update given to new members as to what Trading Places is. No issues on Sunday 38 people through the doors.
Monday and Wednesday Plummer Court – Richard and Cliff feedback that there were no issues but more volunteers were needed for the group
Recovery Clinic – Terry explained the recovery clinic and much the same as above no issues but more volunteers needed
University – visiting lecturers – 2 members of the forum and Andy were guest lecturers again at Northumbria University. Spent the day with PROPS and the 1st year social work students. Day consisted of personal shares, a workshop and some presentations. As in the past the feedback was great.
Guest Speaker – Craig Atkin from User Voice
Craig talked about the User Voice organisation. This is lead and run by volunteers and some staff. 90% of the volunteers are ex-offenders. They make up the Prison Council that go into prisons and engage with any prisoners that want support and general themes about how to integrate into the community.
Once a month the council is chaired by the Prison Governor and the aim is to give a perspective from an ex-offender’s point of view.
Proposals are presented to the prison staff and another aim is to show people that visible recovery.
Cliff has been working with User Voice and explained the link with probation and the work he does at SJB helping people on release.
The engagement is for any prisoner on any issue not just drugs and alcohol and is embedded in 20 prisons nationwide. For volunteers to be involved User Voice asks for them to currently be on probation themselves or to have been on probation in the last 2 years.
The funding for the work comes from contracts into the prisons, the prisons value the work done and so are willing to pay for it.
Kellie Richmond from Lifeline
Kellie gave a brief update on the new Lifeline contract and what it will cover. Which is all medical interventions; Lifeline will be the first point of contact for anyone in Newcastle wishing to engage with drug and alcohol services. Kellie explained a persons’ journey from assessment to a care co-ordinator and then to the appropriate service.
PSI, CBT services are offered in Bridge View and then people are given a moving on plan for up to 12 weeks. This plan would include SMART recovery and 12 step groups.
The care co-ordination area is split between Change and Inspire to suit the individual.
The branding process for the new service is an ongoing piece of work that will include input from the forum.
Currently the recovery staff are based out of Outlook but will move to a new building when a suitable location has been sourced.
Spreading the word of the NUCF
Discussion on the group around the falling numbers attending the forum and the impact this could have on the services the forum provides. It was agreed that the forum would design some new literature/pamphlets and target as many services in Newcastle that we could. Kellie confirmed that the recovery team would also support the forum as much as possible.
Emergency 999!
No update was possible from the Fire service as the point of contact was unavailable until next week.
A Day in Our Lives Training
Andy explained that a day in lives was a project that had been done a number of years ago as partnership between Trading Places and Changing Lives looking at the perception of social exclusion in the city. There are training packages written and examples will be brought to the next forum with the aim of being updated and possibly rolled out.
Christmas Events
Dates for the diaries:
Trading Places Christmas party Sunday 20/12/15
Joint service user and carer Christmas party Friday 18/12/15. Kellie confirmed that Lifeline staff would be preparing, cooking and serving the meal as Turning Point had done in the past.
Chris asked if it was possible to get a guest speaker to talk about Newcastle’s policy on NPS (legal highs) moving forward following the new Government legislation. Andy will look into this.
Next NUCF 12/11/2015
Guest speaker: To be confirmed, Location: Plummer Court
Chair: Chris
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