Plummer Court
Andy Hackett, Terry
Thomas, Terry Hatch, Lynne, Richard, Chris, Gary, Julie Whitfield, (Turning
Point), Christine, Mark, Gillian, Pam, Cliff, Graham (Reaching Out), Liesl,
Sarah Blakey, Nasir, Tracey, Andrea
Apologises: Kev
round the table.
Agenda/discussion points:
Update on Client Advisory Groups and
Trading Places – Andrea updated on Trading Paces
at Ron Eager house. Everything running smoothly and the Christmas Party is on
21nd December it was discussed if extra volunteers were needed for
Christmas as there were 100 people attended last year. Anyone is welcome to
come along and visit on Sunday to see what happens. Trading Places is now on
EVERY SUNDAY until further notice.
Plummer Court – Main update was that the
Introduction to 12 step groups on Wednesday would be put on hold until after
Recovery Clinic - Terry and Gary updated and said is
going well supporting people in end of care and continuing care. Advising
clients on what help and support is available after detox/titration.
Guest Speaker – Sarah Blakey Active Inclusion
explained her job role and the purpose of her attending the meeting to get
feedback from the NUCF on their experiences of the housing process within
The forum
gave specific examples to Sarah around imperfections and injustice within the
current system. These were around homeless people trying to find accommodation
in one authority e.g. Newcastle when they were from Sunderland for example.
Sarah took the names for these people and will look into the individual cases.
There was a
generic discussion around the failings of the existing system and a lack of
joined up working between authorities due to Central Government legislation. Also
the additional cuts to spending will not help the process.
discussion was around working smarter to move people from emergency hostels to
more secure housing to help with their chances of recovery.
Reaching out project – Graham Wilkinson
out is a project that matches volunteer mentors with ex-offenders wanting to
settle in Tyne and Wear after they have been released from HMP Durham.
The mentors
provide support help men leaving prison to resettle in the community and move
into employment where appropriate. The mentors will work with people for up to
6 month to encourage, support and help mentees achieve their goals. The support
includes: visiting in prison, meeting on release, accompanying to appointments
and assist with housing issues.
The mentees
have had sentences below 2 years and the majority less than 12 months.
The project
has been funded for a further 2 years and the mentors will be given accredited
peer mentor training. More information is available on the northern learning
trust web site under reaching out.
Graham is
looking for 10 new mentors and is recruiting now. Details and application forms
were left for the NUCF.
and posters – Julie circulated the Trading Places posters she had designed. A
couple of amendments will be made and then copies printed and distributed to
projects. The NUCF Facebook page is available for all members to post on and
the minutes will be added to the FB page instead of shared via email. Let’s all
use the page as it will be a good information source.
Service User and Carer Party – The regional party will now take place at the
end of January as a New Year celebration. More information and dates will
Lives Volunteering Opportunities – As well as the mentor opportunities there
are volunteer opportunities available within Changing Lives Recovery Centre. If
you would like to get involved contact Andy
for Plummer Court – There was a discussion around having a rota for Plummer
Court Wednesday group so nucf members could plan further ahead. Difficult due
to the changing numbers of clients at Plummer and the changing requirements for
the numbers of volunteers. Agreed to keep current process of texting and review
in the future.
for next NUCF Terry
of next NUCF is Plummer Court (to be confirmed) and minute taker Richard
NUCF 11/12/2014