The NUCF meet every 2 weeks on a Thursday from 12pm-2pm at various Service User Venues across Newcastle.
The aim of the meetings are to ensure that service users’ views are fed into strategic planning and delivery.To ensure that the voices of users and carers in both the treatment system and recovery communities are heard and acted upon. To enable positive outcomes within decision making commissioning and procurement processes. To support and represent the voices of service users across the Drug, Alcohol, Offending and Housing agendas.
NUCF Meeting 30/10/2014 Plummer Court
Agenda/discussion points: Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events
Plummer Court (Wednesday afternoon 1.00-3.00) - Forum members are attending Plummer day care to
engage with clients there, to advocate on their behalf and encourage them to
get involved in recovery based activities. If members of the NUCF
want to volunteer at Plummer then let Andy Hackett know and you will be added to the volunteer group. Please do not just turn up
at Plummer as you may not be allowed into the day centre and will not be able
to claim back expenses.
Recovery Clinic - A new opportunity for the NUCF to engage with clients at Plummer Court. Takes place Tuesday and Thursday on the 1st floor. Offering peer support to clients who are trying to reduce their opiate script and get into recovery. Terry has been representing the NUCF at the clinic and feedback has been very positive.
12 Step introduction group at Plummer Court (Wednesday 10.30-11.30) - A session facilitated by the NUCF to give people an introduction to the Fellowships and the 12 step programme. Aim is to break some myths and let people know what to expect if they attend a meeting.
Trading Places (Sunday 9.30-12.30 Ron Eager) - The group is embedded and working well. An
average of 25 people using the service and plenty of volunteers from the NUCF.
Anyone welcome to come along and visit on Sunday to see what happens but if you
want to volunteer you must attend the Friday planning meeting 1.00pm Ron Eager.
Trading Places is now on EVERY SUNDAY until further notice.
Guest Speaker - Malcolm Conway - Health Improvement Manager: Transforming Rehabilitation.
Malcolm came back to the
forum to give an update on the work he has been doing with Changing Lives
around the changes in the Probation service following privatisation. Various companies have
been bidding for the contract to manage probation services in certain areas
company wide. The contract for Northumbria (which includes the Newcastle
probation offices) was won by Sodexo Justice Services part of the Sodexo group.
Along with Interserve they
are to be put in charge of more than half of probation
services in England and Wales under the most far-reaching privatisation in the
criminal justice system. This will affect low to medium risk offenders and the
7 year deal will begin from next year.
Sodexo already manages HMP Northumberland and
so have existing experience and relationships within this area.
Blog – Testing
model of the blog is ready and Chris needs content from NUCF members. Robert,
Pam, Terry, Lynne, Nasir and Andrea to send pieces to Chris. Andy and Lizzie to
send their piece around the University learning day. All items for the blog to be sent to Andy as well for proof reading.
It’s Christmas!!!
Service User and Carer Christmas Party potentially 16/12/2014. Venue and
details to be confirmed but most likely to be in Newcastle.
Trading Places
Christmas dinner in the diary for Sunday 21st December. Trading
Places will open at 11.00 and stay open later for the dinner and party. Members
welcome to attend to help and celebrate.
NUCF and
Turning Point combined Christmas party 18/12/2014 at St John’s Church Newcastle. Food, guest speakers and party games, all welcome. Time to be
Remembrance and Hope Day. This year the event will take place on 04/12/2014 at
3.00pm. The event is a chance to celebrate recovery and remember those we have
lost to the disease of addiction. Next planning day is 11/11/2014 email Andy if
you have any ideas or would like to attend.
Pam suggested
some members presenting to Oaktrees Primary Care and Continuing Care around the
NUCF. Point made that this has already happened and Oaktrees have a contact for
information about the NUCF. Agreed that existing Continuing Care members would
‘spread the word’ of the forum, with permission and engagement of Oaktrees
Next NUCF at Turning Point 13/11/2014 12.00-2.00
Terry will
chair next meeting
Chris will
take minutes
Thank you for my Birthday
card, cake and banners I really appreciated it Andy H :-)