Friday, 12 December 2014

NUCF Minutes 11/12/2014

NUCF Minutes

Location: Plummer Court

Attendees: Andy Hackett, Terry T, Terry, Richard, Chris, Julie Whitfield, (Turning Point), Christine, Cliff, Andrea, Kev Wall, Lee, Nicola, Brian, Jayne, Gary, Andy, Paul

Apologises: Pam, Nasir

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

·         Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Trading Places continues to do really well. Christmas dinner to stay as Sunday 21/12/14 unless we think derby day will cause any issues. Andy to pick up clothes from Turning Point for Trading Places.

Plummer Court – Main update was that the Introduction to 12 step groups on Wednesday would be put on hold until after Christmas. Wednesday group is going well with no issues.

Recovery Clinic - Terry updated and said is going well supporting people in end of care and continuing care. Some clients from the clinic attended the NUCF

·         Christmas Cover

Discussion around ensuring we have cover for all the groups over the Christmas period specifically Plummer Ct on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and Trading Places on the 21st and 28th. List was circulated asking for names and we do have plenty of volunteers to cover the groups so they will all go ahead.
·         Party info and numbers

Went over the information for the NUCF Christmas party. Thursday 18/12/2014 at St John’s Church. There will be a joint service user and carer forum first from 11.00am. Then Christmas lunch followed by party games and a film.
The places are limited so people were asked to give their names to confirm attendance.

·         AOB

o   Communication and posters – Trading Places designed and printed by Julie and ready for circulation to different services. Posters with service contact details are almost complete and just need points of contact added.

o   Changing Lives Volunteering Opportunities – Still volunteer opportunities at Changing Lives Recovery Centre see Andy for details.

o   Art program tasters – Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives are starting some art program testers in the new year and Zoe is going to come to the NUCF to give us more details.

o   Alcohol reduction scheme – Christopher is coming to the NUCF on the 8th to talk about the scheme that is being piloted in specific areas of Newcastle and to get forum feedback.

o   Guest speaker on 8/1/2014 will be Christopher Hartsworth.

o   Next forum 18/12/14 (before Christmas party at St John's Church) then a Christmas break till next forum 8/1/2015 at Plummer Court.