Monday, 5 October 2015

NUCF Minutes 01/10/2015

Minutes for NUCF   01/10/15 

Chair: Chris Patterson 

Minute Taker: Richie  

Around the room introductions. 3 newcomers attended & 9 Forum Members 

Client advisory Groups.  

Trading Places: 
Richie & Cliff gave a brief-ish! Rundown of what Trading Places is all about and what service and support they offer and to whom ‘this was for the benefit of the new people’ but otherwise it is going well, no issues and lots of volunteers supporting. 

Plummer Court Monday & Wednesday:  
Richie & Cliff focused mainly on a disruptive client on the day unit who came in with an alleged “Beat Box”. The said volunteers dealt with it in a diplomatic and responsible, they asked politely a number of times and the lad agreed and put his head phones in. But other than that the groups were going good and no issues.  

Recovery Clinic:  
No update 

Guest Speaker: 
Ronnie Rowbotham‘North East Peer Mentor Coordinator for Lifeline Northeast Services. 

Very enthusiastic and inspired talk by Ronnie. Spoke about the history of Lifeline and the various services they have already established within the Northeast, i.e. Durham, Sunderland and Middlesbrough. Spoke about a Recovery Gym in Middlesbrough and how that has proven invaluable to tackle the growing problem of steroid abuse. Lifeline intend to replicate this in Newcastle as it has been such a success in Teesside. It will also will help volunteers who would like to access the gym for own purposes and to gain qualifications in Health & Fitness. 

RR also spoke in depth about volunteering opportunities within Lifeline and how lifeline do not look at volunteers as “just volunteers” but as unpaid members of staff. They have a structured strategy and development plan for all volunteers to provide the best possible opportunities for all volunteers.  

All volunteers will initially be given ‘Volunteer Packages’ which will consist of information around; data protection, equal opportunities, boundaries etc. Volunteers will fill in package, go for assessment/interview where they will be educated around the vision and the values of the organisation. And to speak about any training opportunities that are available for the volunteer. The training for the volunteers within Lifeline is as such that staff are also now receiving the same training too. 
RR stated that he will be overseeing volunteer coordinating duties in Newcastle until someone is appointed in the role for the area.  

RR Also stated that he is in the process of scratching the name ‘Peer Mentors’ because he believes that a ‘peer mentor’ is classed as a 2nd hand volunteer and looked down upon ‘within Lifeline’. Peer Mentors will be more about quality than quantity in the future to be handpicked and the shining light within the structure of the organisation, to be intensively trained. They will complete the course with four recognised certificated to their name and will then each be given a caseload of their own to work with.  

When prompted on a question around whether volunteers are able to be scripted and still volunteer RR stated that it is sometimes ideal that volunteers on scripts do volunteer, as it gives the newer person on a script a lot to aspire to. However the volunteer must be in recovery, accessing some sort of recovery groups i.e. SMART or Mutual Aid and have a reduction plan in place. 

A few of the Members expressed an interest in working with Lifeline and RR said he would email Andy with his contact details for him to ‘cascade’ back to the members. Ronnie’s contact details are: 

Mobile: 07921973292 

Next NUCF: 8/10/2015 
Location: Plummer Court 
Chair: Cliff 
Minutes: Richard 

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