Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Personal share (anonymous)

I was born in the North East in 1987 and grew up with my parents and brother. From an early age I thought something was not right. I was a bit unhappy as a child I grew up in a dysfunctional family fuelled by alcohol and other drugs. By the age of 15 I had tried most drugs and thought it was great, but after a while I found myself in and out of prison on and off different drugs. By the age of 21 I knew my life was a mess; by this time I was selling drugs an involved with crazy people. I wanted out but did not know how so I continued in that cycle for another 4 years. By this time I was a father and in prison so when I got out I decided to change for good, but even with the best intentions I could not stop using and committing crime.
I started going to recovery groups; at first I hated them all those strangers talking about how they felt and for the first time I was really trying to change. One day I went to see my Key Worker and she said have you heard of Oaktrees? I said “no what is it”? She said "a 12 week abstinence program would you be interested" (rehab). I said yes and didn’t really think much more about it until a few weeks went by and I got an interview for Oaktrees. I went and started the next week. For years I did not know what was wrong with me and why I could not stop using drugs, but I was in Oaktrees less than 1 hour and questions I had all my life were beginning to be answered.
I have never looked back since and now i work a 12 step program and it has changed my life. Just for today I have lost the urge and obsession to use drink and drugs and for someone who could never go a day without using it is a miracle. Most importantly I believe I have done this by changing my belief system and as a result my behaviour began to change. Before I could do that I first had to admit I was the problem and I was the only one who could change that.
I am so grateful to have what I have and life only keeps getting better the longer I am in recovery. I went from being an uncontrollable addict living a life of pain, misery and despair and within a short space of time through recovery I found so many good things. I discovered fellowship, joy, hope, family and confidence in my self and self esteem through giving back through volunteering and now support work.
The most important thing I have learned is that I have a choice today and If I do not take responsibility for my life I wont have a life worth having. I am looking forward to the future and all it holds.
One hell of a grateful recovering addict! J

Monday, 15 December 2014

New Year's Eve Winter Carnival - Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

This New Year’s Eve sees the arrival of a BRAND NEW Winter Carnival Parade that will ring in the New Year in style. You can follow the carnival parade to the Quayside as it sways, stomps and dances its way along the new route – there are even dance moves you can join in with.

Down by the River Tyne is where the party really gets started, with BBC Newcastle’s Jonathan Miles compering, followed by early evening fireworks over the river.

From 4pm
Music and carnival performance around Monument

The parade leaves Monument for Newcastle Quayside

6pm and Midnight Fireworks over the river
The best viewing points are from Newcastle Quayside

Public Transport
Metro will be running an enhanced service on New Year’s Eve until 6.30pm. Then a 15 minute service through Newcastle city centre, with trains every 30 minutes to South Shields, Airport, South Hylton and St James until approx 11pm. Quaylink buses will be rerouted for some of the evening.

See for more travel advice.

Remembrance and Hope Day - Bruswick Methodist Church December 2014

Remembrance and Hope Day - Brunswick Methodist Church December 2014

 The service was very well attended and it was both moving and uplifting to see everyone together under one roof; in remembrance of those who have passed away, giving prayer and hope for those still suffering and in recovery.

Leisel the Minister of the Church delivered a spiritual and thoughtful service and there were prayers, poems of hope and the names of those who we knew and sadly passed away were remembered and read out.

The service of Hope & Remembrance held at the Brunswick Methodist Church on Dec 4th was both a very moving, and spiritual experience. 

Everyone was given a star of remembrance to write a personal message on and place on the Christmas Tree while candles were lit for those who have passed away and we still remember.

Pam’s Experience

It gave me the opportunity to reflect on my past year in recovery and all that has gone with it.

It also was a stark reminder of how addiction kills, and was a very poignant moment when the names of those who had passed on were read out.
I personally used the service to give thanks for my sobriety and remembered those close to me who had passed on.

The stars on the tree were a very thoughtful idea and the personal messages each person wrote on them I am sure will stay with them forever.

A very momentous day I am sure everyone will agree and one I hope to repeat next year.

Wishing you all a very Merry Xmas and a peaceful New Year.


Chris’s Experience

It was my first time attending the Remembrance and Hope Day and I found it to be a very spiritual and moving experience.

It filled me with humility and hope seeing so many people paying tribute and respect to those we have lost, loved and cared for. Also for those who still suffer and are on the road to recovery.

It reminded me of where I came from; the people I have come to know and who have supported me. It also reminded me that we cannot do this alone and need the love, care, understanding and support of fellowship and a power greater than ourselves.

While the people I knew and lost never left my thoughts, it was the first time I have paid my respects to them in a spiritual way since they passed on.

They will always be in my thoughts and prayers; as will everyone I have been fortunate enough to get to know in recovery so far and have helped support me on my journey.

It is an experience that will stay in my thoughts forever and it will be a service i hope to attend again next year.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas and New Year!


If anyone would like to share their experience of the Rememberance and Hope Day on the blog (can be anonymous) please email

Friday, 12 December 2014

NUCF Minutes 11/12/2014

NUCF Minutes

Location: Plummer Court

Attendees: Andy Hackett, Terry T, Terry, Richard, Chris, Julie Whitfield, (Turning Point), Christine, Cliff, Andrea, Kev Wall, Lee, Nicola, Brian, Jayne, Gary, Andy, Paul

Apologises: Pam, Nasir

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

·         Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Trading Places continues to do really well. Christmas dinner to stay as Sunday 21/12/14 unless we think derby day will cause any issues. Andy to pick up clothes from Turning Point for Trading Places.

Plummer Court – Main update was that the Introduction to 12 step groups on Wednesday would be put on hold until after Christmas. Wednesday group is going well with no issues.

Recovery Clinic - Terry updated and said is going well supporting people in end of care and continuing care. Some clients from the clinic attended the NUCF

·         Christmas Cover

Discussion around ensuring we have cover for all the groups over the Christmas period specifically Plummer Ct on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and Trading Places on the 21st and 28th. List was circulated asking for names and we do have plenty of volunteers to cover the groups so they will all go ahead.
·         Party info and numbers

Went over the information for the NUCF Christmas party. Thursday 18/12/2014 at St John’s Church. There will be a joint service user and carer forum first from 11.00am. Then Christmas lunch followed by party games and a film.
The places are limited so people were asked to give their names to confirm attendance.

·         AOB

o   Communication and posters – Trading Places designed and printed by Julie and ready for circulation to different services. Posters with service contact details are almost complete and just need points of contact added.

o   Changing Lives Volunteering Opportunities – Still volunteer opportunities at Changing Lives Recovery Centre see Andy for details.

o   Art program tasters – Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives are starting some art program testers in the new year and Zoe is going to come to the NUCF to give us more details.

o   Alcohol reduction scheme – Christopher is coming to the NUCF on the 8th to talk about the scheme that is being piloted in specific areas of Newcastle and to get forum feedback.

o   Guest speaker on 8/1/2014 will be Christopher Hartsworth.

o   Next forum 18/12/14 (before Christmas party at St John's Church) then a Christmas break till next forum 8/1/2015 at Plummer Court.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Personal Share by Pam

I remember when I was in “the madness”……although my madness didn’t consist of “crazy things” and “great nights out,” ……at least not at the end, it consisted of ISOLATION, LONLINESS, a mere existence!

Once I finally got “sick of being sick,” and I finally took the Dreaded “leap of faith” by being honest with my Hepatology consultant AND MYSELF, and admitted that I was in desperate need of help, my life started to turn around.

The forum has helped give me structure back in my life, something to look forward to, something to be “part of” and something that hopefully, with my contribution, will make a difference to other addicts and carers, and demonstrate that there is “life after addiction,”…….There is HOPE.

The work that is done at the “client advisory” session at Plummer Court on a Wednesday afternoon, of which I am a contributor of, not only shows those going through Detox and Titration that there is a way out, but also helps me immensely with my own recovery, keeping me grounded, reminding me of where I have come from, and how each day, my addiction is only ever 1 drink away.

I will always be grateful to the NUCF for the opportunity, and as it continues to grow, alongside my sobriety, together, we CAN make a difference.


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

What's On and Upcoming Events

Celebration, Remembrance and Hope Day at the Brunswick Methodist Church, Brunswick Place Newcastle City Centre (behind Waterstones Book Shop). This year the event will take place on 04/12/2014 at 3.00pm. The event is a chance to celebrate recovery and remember those we have lost to the disease of addiction.

It’s Christmas!

Trading Places Christmas dinner Sunday 21st December. Trading Places will open at 10.00am and stay open until 2pm for the dinner and party. There will be presents, games and more volunteers are needed. It is a brilliant idea and was an amazing experience last year and the service users really enjoyed it and the feedback was amazing. Trading Places will also be open throughout Christmas from 10am-12pm. NUCF Members welcome to attend to help and celebrate.

NUCF and Turning Point combined Christmas party Thursday 18th December at St John’s the Baptist Church on Grainger Street Newcastle from 11.30am. Turning Point staff organise everything. There will be plenty of food, guest speakers and party games, all welcome.

NUCF Minutes 27/11/2014

Date: 27/11/2014

Location: Plummer Court

Attendees: Andy Hackett, Terry Thomas, Terry Hatch, Lynne, Richard, Chris, Gary, Julie Whitfield, (Turning Point), Christine, Mark, Gillian, Pam, Cliff, Graham (Reaching Out), Liesl, Sarah Blakey, Nasir, Tracey, Andrea
Apologises: Kev Wall

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Andrea updated on Trading Paces at Ron Eager house. Everything running smoothly and the Christmas Party is on 21nd December it was discussed if extra volunteers were needed for Christmas as there were 100 people attended last year. Anyone is welcome to come along and visit on Sunday to see what happens. Trading Places is now on EVERY SUNDAY until further notice.

Plummer Court – Main update was that the Introduction to 12 step groups on Wednesday would be put on hold until after Christmas.

Recovery Clinic - Terry and Gary updated and said is going well supporting people in end of care and continuing care. Advising clients on what help and support is available after detox/titration.

·         Guest Speaker – Sarah Blakey Active Inclusion Officer

Sarah explained her job role and the purpose of her attending the meeting to get feedback from the NUCF on their experiences of the housing process within Newcastle.

The forum gave specific examples to Sarah around imperfections and injustice within the current system. These were around homeless people trying to find accommodation in one authority e.g. Newcastle when they were from Sunderland for example. Sarah took the names for these people and will look into the individual cases.

There was a generic discussion around the failings of the existing system and a lack of joined up working between authorities due to Central Government legislation. Also the additional cuts to spending will not help the process.
Further discussion was around working smarter to move people from emergency hostels to more secure housing to help with their chances of recovery.

·         Reaching out project – Graham Wilkinson

Reaching out is a project that matches volunteer mentors with ex-offenders wanting to settle in Tyne and Wear after they have been released from HMP Durham.

The mentors provide support help men leaving prison to resettle in the community and move into employment where appropriate. The mentors will work with people for up to 6 month to encourage, support and help mentees achieve their goals. The support includes: visiting in prison, meeting on release, accompanying to appointments and assist with housing issues.

The mentees have had sentences below 2 years and the majority less than 12 months.

The project has been funded for a further 2 years and the mentors will be given accredited peer mentor training. More information is available on the northern learning trust web site under reaching out.

Graham is looking for 10 new mentors and is recruiting now. Details and application forms were left for the NUCF.

·         AOB

o   Communication and posters – Julie circulated the Trading Places posters she had designed. A couple of amendments will be made and then copies printed and distributed to projects. The NUCF Facebook page is available for all members to post on and the minutes will be added to the FB page instead of shared via email. Let’s all use the page as it will be a good information source.

o   Regional Service User and Carer Party – The regional party will now take place at the end of January as a New Year celebration. More information and dates will follow.

o   Changing Lives Volunteering Opportunities – As well as the mentor opportunities there are volunteer opportunities available within Changing Lives Recovery Centre. If you would like to get involved contact Andy

o   Rota for Plummer Court – There was a discussion around having a rota for Plummer Court Wednesday group so nucf members could plan further ahead. Difficult due to the changing numbers of clients at Plummer and the changing requirements for the numbers of volunteers. Agreed to keep current process of texting and review in the future.

o   Chair for next NUCF Terry

o   Location of next NUCF is Plummer Court (to be confirmed) and minute taker Richard

o   Next NUCF 11/12/2014

Monday, 24 November 2014

NUCF 13/11/2014 Turning Point

The NUCF meet every 2 weeks on a Thursday from 12pm-2pm at various Service User Venues across Newcastle.

The aim of the meetings are to ensure that service users’ views are fed into strategic planning and delivery.To ensure that the voices of users and carers in both the treatment system and recovery communities are heard and acted upon. To enable positive outcomes within decision making commissioning and procurement processes. To support and represent the voices of service users across the Drug, Alcohol, Offending and Housing agendas.

NUCF Meeting 13/11/2014 Turning Point

Minutes of NUCF

Attendees: Andy Hackett, Steve Jamieson, Terry Thomas, Terry Hatch, Robert, Lynn, Richard, Chris, Tony (Probation), James, Gary, Derek, Julie Whitfield, Angie (Turning Point), Ross (observing) and Andy (Visiting) Other Turning point staff? (Apologies if anyone’s name has been missed I did not have an attendee list so I may have forgotten some people’s names).

Apologises: None

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places (Sunday 9.30-12.30 Ron Eager) – Richie and Cliff updated on Trading Paces at Ron Eager house. Everything running smoothly and the Christmas Party is on 21st December from 10am – 2pm. There is a Christmas lunch, presents and games like Bingo. There is capacity for more service users in general and it was discussed if extra volunteers were needed for Christmas as there were 100 people attended last year. Andy he will review as we need to make sure we accommodate everyone.
Anyone is welcome to come along and visit on Sunday to see what happens but if you want to volunteer you must attend the Friday planning meeting 1.00pm at Ron Eager. Trading Places is now on EVERY SUNDAY until further notice.

Plummer Court – Terry Thomas updated on the work NUCF has done at Plummer so far. Five groups now running started with just one. Attendance is an issue and continuity important as well as volunteers as Groups based around recovery and support like this take time to establish. It was mentioned that a lot of people who attend Plummer only go to collect their scripts and this might be a reason why attendance is low. Cliff discussed advertising groups and recovery services at Trading Places as good place to spread the word as plenty of service users attend.

Recovery Clinic - A new opportunity for the NUCF to engage with clients at Plummer Court. Takes place Tuesday and Thursday on the 1st floor. Offering peer support to clients who are trying to reduce their opiate script and get into recovery. Terry Thomas updated and said is going well supporting people in end of care and continuing care. Advising clients on what help and support is available after detox/titration e.g. Fellowships, Help Groups, Recovery Centres. Gary discussed his involvement, arranging appointments and introducing a SMART Recovery Group at Plummer Court (Changing Lives).

12 Step introduction group at Plummer Court (Wednesday 10.30-11.30) A session facilitated by the NUCF to give people an introduction to the Fellowships and the 12 step programme. Aim is to break some myths and let people know what to expect if they attend a meeting.
Andy updated on the 12 step group, which Chris has agreed to help facilitate. It has not been supported well so far but will continue and NUCF will try and promote in services like Plummer Court, Trading Places, Recovery Centre and Lifeline Outlook using word of mouth, Blog and flyers/posters.

If members of the NUCF want to volunteer at Plummer then let Andy know and you will be added to the volunteer group.

Please do not just turn up at Plummer as you may not be allowed into the day centre and will not be able to claim back expenses.


• Blog – Chris updated and is now set up and ready to go live. Content has been added on personal experience of Trading Places and UK Recovery Walk contributed by Richie. Andy and Lizzie did article about the experience day presentation done by Andy and Andrea to Social Work students at Northumbria University. James mentioned about doing an article about the changes in recovery, help and support over the years as there is far more available now and more acceptance and understanding of alcoholism and addiction. Andy mentioned if everyone could get behind the Blog and support it by contributing articles and information on recovery e.g. personal shares and stories about experience, strength and hope (can be anonymous), experience of recovery, recovery events, volunteering and work experiences.

• Posters – Group discussed where NUCF Posters can be distributed. Julie Turning Point, Cliff Recovery, Lee Hostels agreed to distribute and it was suggested to distribute in Hospitals (alcohol/substance abuse wards), Food banks, Crisis Point and Lifeline Outlook. It was also mentioned to design new Posters for NUCF Plummer Court Groups and Trading Places. Chris and Terry Hatch agreed to do these. Julie Turning Point said she will do Poster for Turning Point and Chris agreed to send her NUCF and link for the free Poster Design website he uses.

• Leaflets and timetable discussed for services as not everyone has access to Blog/PC. Lynn said she will design something and send to Andy for review.
All items, ideas and information for the blog and/or literature to be sent to Andy for proof reading.
Turning Point

• Julie Turning Point discussed Westgate College promoting their courses, which they have on a wide range of subjects e.g. therapeutic, learning/academic, practical and cost £5 each if on benefits and anyone is welcome. Chris mentioned if it would be suitable to have an article/link on the Blog?

• Andrea Turning Point discussed about Commissioner who has set up Pilot Scheme called Successful Completions. It is to investigate why service users are still in treatment, clean of street drugs but still on scripts after 4 years. It will look at the possible barriers to their recovery like personal issues, health and environment. Andrea asked if anyone knows someone in this situation please refer them to Turning Point.

• Peer Mentoring - Julie Turning Point and Terry Thomas discussed Peer Mentoring courses, volunteering and training as there are a number of roles being created by Changing and Fulfilling Lives and Turning Point to support clients in their recovery. Turning Point has done a leaflet for this. Terry discussed his volunteering role and has been instrumental in this. He said it has been an important part of his recovery and he has really enjoyed it. Cliff also vouched for it as he has done Peer Mentoring and confirmed how you are paired with clients from similar back grounds. He said as a lot of recovery services utilising Peer Mentors now and it is going to be a big part of their services in the future.

Peer Mentoring courses last 8 weeks and involve role play, sharing experience strength and hope with established peer mentors and promoting recovery services. Turning Point courses are held in Gateshead and Changing Lives and Fulfilling Lives volunteer courses commence next month tbc.

• Andy discussed recovery roles for Integrated Treatment and Recovery Support and Care Co-Coordinators. There is going to be a centralised centre for Drug and Alcohol support in future. Anyone can provide feedback online via the Council website on the Lets Talk page. You can also email Duncan Miller directly and commissioning has been put on hold until this information has been collected, analysed and reviewed.

It’s Christmas!

• Regional Service User and Carer Christmas Party confirmed and will be on 16/12/2014. It brings together the 12 areas of the NUCF for Christmas and to share and celebrate all the good work that’s been done and of course to celebrate Christmas together. Newcastle Venue still tbc Andy will confirm at next NUCF.

• Trading Places Christmas dinner Sunday 21st December. Trading Places will open at 10.00am and stay open until 2pm for the dinner and party. There will be presents, games and more volunteers are needed. Cliff discussed how brilliant it was last year and how much the service users enjoyed it and the feedback was amazing. Trading Places will also be open throughout Christmas from 10am-12pm. NUCF Members welcome to attend to help and celebrate.

• NUCF and Turning Point combined Christmas party 18/12/2014 at St John’s the Baptist Church on Grainger Street Newcastle. Turning Point staff organise everything. There will be plenty of food, guest speakers and party games, all welcome.

• Celebration, Remembrance and Hope Day at the Brunswick Methodist Church, Brunswick Place Newcastle City Centre (behind Waterstones Book Shop). This year the event will take place on 04/12/2014 at 3.00pm. The event is a chance to celebrate recovery and remember those we have lost to the disease of addiction.

• Gary discussed the Service Users Training Day at Northumbria Uni. It was part of the Social Work student’s curriculum and he had a really good day. It was a course on presentation skills and interviewing techniques. Feedback from group was really successful. Committee to include NUCF and other services in future and they are looking to introduce in to their curriculum as alcoholism, addiction and recovery is not included.

• Steve Jamieson discussed meditation groups at the Recovery Centre on Wednesday 1-2.30pm – for beginners – abstinence based and great way for newcomers to learn how meditation can really help recovery.

• Cliff discussed his involvement in the Remembrance Day football which was a brilliant success and well supported. Cliff said it would be great to promote more events like this in the future.

Next NUCF at Plummer Court 27/11/2014 12.00-2.00

Chair: Cliff
Minutes: Lee

Friday, 14 November 2014

Personal Share by Terry Recovery Volunteer and NUCF member

I am currently involved in the Recovery Clinic at Plummer Court on Thursday's.

An exciting volunteering role based at Plummer court, offering peer support on a 1-1 bases on strength and hope from my own experiences and giving clients hope, that recovery is a journey and that through network of support and what NUCF has given myself since leaving Rehab and many obscures along the way. 

I have learnt that sharing and listening My own stories through losing everything and losing faith and belief, that turning a corner was a fear when shame and guilt was what i lived, I found life a bore and family and children a resentment that held me back, when truly this wasn't the case but I had to look at some of my own faults and that this disease was but a symptom and that my behaviour needed addressing. Since then and now looking back on the very low parts of my life and despair and hurt I brought to others and myself, I have come to accept and learnt many new ways to cope and manage things and knowing I have a network of peers and social network of friends from many walks of life, keeps me sane and strong. I have been able today to walk a wider path without much fear or remorse but learnt that each day I can choose to help myself and help others. Giving back something to the community in recovery is certainly helping myself, either via telephone support, to people wishing to reduce or give them hope, to going onto wards in detox. 

The recovery clinic  is a new form of support offering peer support to  individuals the opportunity to learn new ways on coping and managing and what's also on offer via many agencies either via volunteering or other support groups, and ways to meet new people in similar situations and pass on the message that you don't have to suffer no more, as there's lots of help and support out there. 

You have a voice let it be heard have your say and be counted.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Visiting lecture at Northumbria University.

PROPS & NUCF Skills Day at Northumria University

Andy - Service User Involvement Officer

As the Newcastle User Carer Forum (NUCF) has grown over the past 7 years we have increasingly become involved in community engagement and shared learning's.

On 10th October we continued this by visiting Northumbria University and a lecture for 1st year Social Work students. The first of these sessions was 2 years ago and it has now become embedded as part of the course curriculum.

This session was designed with PROPS to give the students an insight into the potential life changing and life threatening consequences of drug and alcohol misuse. Including an awareness of the issues and some first-hand experiences of life during and after active addiction and the support groups and networks that are available to people.

There were a few nerves all round as myself and the 2 NUCF members walked into a full lecture theatre of 86 students but after the initial introductions I think we started to feel more relaxed.

We spent some time helping to facilitate a workshop around drug and alcohol awareness which was followed by an excellent presentation by PROPS. Just before lunch the 3 of us did a 20 minute share on our personal experiences of active addiction and how it affected us and our families. Following a second PROPS presentation the NUCF presented on mutual aid, peer support and the NUCF.

Personally I found the day emotional, educational and extremely rewarding. All the students left post it notes at the end which were very positive and heart felt pieces of feedback.

Following the event 1 of the students has attended the NUCF and has booked a date with a fellow student to come and volunteer at Trading Places. A member of the forum has been back to the University for a learning day and we are hoping to continue these great shared learning opportunities in the future.

Lizzie first year Social Work Student

I’m Lizzie, a first year social work student at Northumbria university.

On the 10th of October PROPS (Positive Responses to Overcoming Problematic Substance abuse in the family)and members of the NUCF (Newcastle User Carer Forum) came in to do a skills day and tell us a bit about what they do and share some of their personal stories.

It was a fantastic day enjoyed by everyone. We really learnt a lot, not just about what PROPS and the NUCF  do but that no matter how bad your situation is, if you want to turn your life around it can be done with the help and support of the various organisations and Charities around, you just have to want it enough.

They were all an absolute inspiration, so much so I’ve been along to a Newcastle Users Carer Forum meeting to get more involved and will be helping out at Trading Places (A Sunday morning drop in centre for street homeless people in Newcastle). As well as being inspiring they completely removed what people see as ‘the stereotypical’ addict and replaced it with the view that addicts are just people who lost their way and need some guidance getting back on track. I hope to do a lot more work with you guys, see you all soon! :-)

Thursday, 6 November 2014

NUCF 30/10/2014 Plummer Court

The NUCF meet every 2 weeks on a Thursday from 12pm-2pm at various Service User Venues across Newcastle.

The aim of the meetings are to ensure that service users’ views are fed into strategic planning and delivery.To ensure that the voices of users and carers in both the treatment system and recovery communities are heard and acted upon. To enable positive outcomes within decision making commissioning and procurement processes. To support and represent the voices of service users across the Drug, Alcohol, Offending and Housing agendas.

NUCF Meeting 30/10/2014 Plummer Court

Agenda/discussion points: Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Plummer Court (Wednesday afternoon 1.00-3.00)Forum members are attending Plummer day care to engage with clients there, to advocate on their behalf and encourage them to get involved in recovery based activities. If members of the NUCF want to volunteer at Plummer then let Andy Hackett know and you will be added to the volunteer group. Please do not just turn up at Plummer as you may not be allowed into the day centre and will not be able to claim back expenses.

Recovery Clinic - A new opportunity for the NUCF to engage with clients at Plummer Court. Takes place Tuesday and Thursday on the 1st floor. Offering peer support to clients who are trying to reduce their opiate script and get into recovery. Terry has been representing the NUCF at the clinic and feedback has been very positive.

12 Step introduction group at Plummer Court (Wednesday 10.30-11.30) - A session facilitated by the NUCF to give people an introduction to the Fellowships and the 12 step programme. Aim is to break some myths and let people know what to expect if they attend a meeting.

Trading Places (Sunday 9.30-12.30 Ron Eager) - The group is embedded and working well. An average of 25 people using the service and plenty of volunteers from the NUCF. Anyone welcome to come along and visit on Sunday to see what happens but if you want to volunteer you must attend the Friday planning meeting 1.00pm Ron Eager. Trading Places is now on EVERY SUNDAY until further notice.

Guest Speaker - Malcolm Conway - Health Improvement Manager: Transforming Rehabilitation.

Malcolm came back to the forum to give an update on the work he has been doing with Changing Lives around the changes in the Probation service following privatisation. Various companies have been bidding for the contract to manage probation services in certain areas company wide. The contract for Northumbria (which includes the Newcastle probation offices) was won by Sodexo Justice Services part of the Sodexo group.
Along with Interserve they are to be put in charge of more than half of probation services in England and Wales under the most far-reaching privatisation in the criminal justice system. This will affect low to medium risk offenders and the 7 year deal will begin from next year.
Sodexo already manages HMP Northumberland and so have existing experience and relationships within this area.

Blog – Testing model of the blog is ready and Chris needs content from NUCF members. Robert, Pam, Terry, Lynne, Nasir and Andrea to send pieces to Chris. Andy and Lizzie to send their piece around the University learning day. All items for the blog to be sent to Andy as well for proof reading.
It’s Christmas!!!
Regional Service User and Carer Christmas Party potentially 16/12/2014. Venue and details   to be confirmed but most likely to be in Newcastle.

Trading Places Christmas dinner in the diary for Sunday 21st December. Trading Places will open at 11.00 and stay open later for the dinner and party. Members welcome to attend to help and celebrate.

NUCF and Turning Point combined Christmas party 18/12/2014 at St John’s Church Newcastle. Food, guest speakers and party games, all welcome. Time to be confirmed.

Celebration, Remembrance and Hope Day. This year the event will take place on 04/12/2014 at 3.00pm. The event is a chance to celebrate recovery and remember those we have lost to the disease of addiction. Next planning day is 11/11/2014 email Andy if you have any ideas or would like to attend. 
Pam suggested some members presenting to Oaktrees Primary Care and Continuing Care around the NUCF. Point made that this has already happened and Oaktrees have a contact for information about the NUCF. Agreed that existing Continuing Care members would ‘spread the word’ of the forum, with permission and engagement of Oaktrees staff.
Next NUCF at Turning Point 13/11/2014 12.00-2.00
Terry will chair next meeting
Chris will take minutes
Thank you for my Birthday card, cake and banners I really appreciated it Andy H :-)

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

NUCF and the UK Recovery Walk 2014 Greater Manchester

UK Recovery Walk
Richy - NUCF member

I went to my first UKRW (which if you don't already know stands for UK Recovery Walk) in Greater Manchester on Saturday 13th September this year and it involves people who are in, or have been through recovery.

UKRW Manchester 2014 Video

The trip was organised by Andy Hackett, who is the Service User Involvement Officer for Newcastle, and it was open to all service users and people in recovery in the Newcastle area. We travelled to Manchester by coach and the event was easy to find and well organised. The event starts with everyone gathering around a big venue stage where different people talk about UKRW and carry the message of recovery, followed by a walk through the streets with banners, people also wore UKRW merchandise like t-shirts etc.

Oh and I made sure the whole walk new Newcastle was represented by starting off a rendition of Toon, Toon Black and White army, which everyone joined in with!.

It was an absolutely awesome day with hundreds there, everyone was really friendly and it was great meeting people in recovery from different parts of the country and making new friends. Everyone who went from the NUCF enjoyed themselves and if you didn't make it this year you really did miss out on a great day, but hey don't worry if you did there's always UKRW at Durham next year.

At the end of the event UKRW always do a handover for the area that has been chosen to host the event the following year, and the North East will be represented for the first time as Durham was chosen to host UKRW for 2015, so no excuses if you don't make it! :-)

UKRW 2014 Handover Video

Volunteering for Trading Places

Ron Eager House
Richy – Member of the Newcastle User Carer Forum and Trading Places Volunteer

I volunteer for Trading Places at Ron Eager House on a Sunday, which runs fortnightly in the Spring and Summer, and then every week in the Autumn and winter months.

A team of volunteers from the NUCF start around 9.15am and we prepare hot and cold drinks and cook breakfast for service users in the Newcastle area. We open the doors about 10am and provide a warm, comfortable friendly place where everyone can relax and socialise in a safe environment. There is TV, showers and laundry facilities and we play games like Bingo where prizes are won like a box of chocolates. Everyone seems to really enjoy being there and the atmosphere, which is always relaxed, friendly and good fun. I really enjoy my time there, engaging with people and getting to know them, and generally having a good laugh.

What is Trading Places?

The Trading Places project is where service users trade places with staff of Ron Eager House on a Sunday to become experienced in service delivery, and eventually deliver services themselves. Ron Eager House provides assertive outreach to make contact and support with rough sleepers and those facing chronic exclusion from society.

The Trading Places programme is an excellent example of how service users are involved in service delivery in such a way as to make it more responsive to the needs of the community, and also as meaningful occupation and a route to employment. Twenty two people have gained employment through the programme so far, and out of the sixteen permanent staff at Ron Eager House, twelve are ex-service users.