Monday, 21 September 2015

NUCF Minutes 17/09/2015

Minutes of NUCF

Date: 17/09/2015

Location: Plummer Court

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Dave gave update on what Trading Places is and how it is run. No issues at all still very popular with average attendance of 28 every week.

Plummer Court Monday and Wednesday – Explanation given of the 2 Plummer Court groups for the benefit of our guest. Richard gave the update and it is becoming very obvious that the staff at Plummer are beginning to trust us more and happy to refer clients to us for sign posting and advise. Good piece of recognition for all the NUCF volunteers.

Recovery Clinic – No update

An update was given on the sleep out and the conference. Feedback was that it was excellent and a very spiritual experience. Everyone at the NUCF had attended the walk.

Guest Speakers – Mark Tunney from Fulfilling Lives
Mark introduced himself and his role. This is around engagement with clients from Newcastle and Gateshead with complex needs. He is involved in helping them into voluntary work, employment, housing and even setting up their own businesses.

Mark explained the Hospital discharge program that he is involved with that looks at getting hospital leavers acceptable accommodation that will aid and support them.

Also the Recovery ‘Hub’ in Gateshead on the site of the old Globe pub. Builders are commencing work and should be open by Christmas operating as a CIC and offering training and volunteer opportunities.

There is also the Experts by Experience group that meets at Broadacre Hse every other Thursday (alternate Thursdays so it doesn’t clash with the NUCF) 12.00-2.00. This will hopefully grow into a CIC organisation that can be run totally by members. All are welcome to attend the Experts group.

Lifeline Briefing Sessions
Briefing sessions by Lifeline around the new services in Newcastle will take place Wednesday 16th at the Newcastle Arts Centre on Westgate Rd. Everyone welcome.

Induction opportunities at Lifeline
Lifeline are doing an induction program on 29th September at Outlook. If anyone would like to go there are places available can you let Andy know please.

Offer from the local Fire Brigade to come to the NUCF to talk about fire safety. Andy to get more details and possible confirm them for a future forum.
Revive Festival 2016. A regional recovery festival is being planned for next year. If anyone would like to be involved from the start in the planning the first open meeting is to be held on Wednesday 7th October 6pm at the Coffee Trader coffee shop just off Northumberland Street.

Next NUCF: 01/10/2015
Location: Plummer
Chair: Chris

Minutes: Richard