Tuesday, 25 August 2015

NUCF Minutes 20/08/2015

Location: Plummer Court

Apologises: Martin

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Explanation given to new people about what TP does and how to volunteer. Andy gave an update on the staff rota for cover in his absence to ensure that TP can continue to open every week.

Plummer Court Monday – Richie gave an update. Monday was very quiet

Plummer Court Wednesday – Wednesday group was very busy. Moving forward to NUCF will provide funds for sandwiches for the Monday and Wednesday groups as Plummer are not able to. Also thanks to the members attending the groups for abiding by the new no smoking policy at Plummer Court.

Recovery Clinic – No update.

Guest Speakers – Sarah Blakey Active Inclusion Officer
Sarah came to the forum to feedback on early suggestions that it may be useful to have a forum presence at HAC. After meetings with the HAC team it was agreed that although the idea was potentially good the current logistics made it impractical; mainly due to lack of room, chaotic atmosphere and the number of services already engaging with HAC.

A process was agreed that if the HAC team had a person that would benefit from talking to a forum member they would refer them on a Monday or a Wednesday to Plummer Ct to link in with the existing groups. One member attending the group wold be point of contact for HAC referrals.

Sarah shared that most people coming into HAC are people leaving private renting. She asked the question what do members think is the most important thing when looking for accommodation?

Answers: the area, safety, choice, a secure landlord, additional support e.g. budgeting, transport links and most people preferred council properties.

The two T shirt suppliers have proved unsuitable for our needs so we will not be using them (thanks to Richie and Mark for their efforts around this). An on line supplier has been identified that can give next day delivery at a lower cost.
The banner design has been decided and proof passed on for printing onto banner

Tickets for 3 members to attend sleep out and conference have been ordered.

Date for the diaries NUCF joint Christmas party will be on 18/12/15

Sunderland Recovery Day Friday 21/08/2015

Middlesbrough Recovery Walk 12/08/2015

Next NUCF: 03/09/2015
Guest speakers will be the Life Line Project Team

Location: Plummer

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

NUCF Minutes 6th August 2015

Date: 06/08/2015

Location: Plummer Court

Apologises: Chris

Introductions round the table.

Agenda/discussion points:

Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events

Trading Places – Explanation given to new people about what TP does and how to volunteer. Trading Places was closed on 02/08/15 due to staff sickness. Moving forward Andy will look at recruiting other members of staff for cover and potentially training that will allow forum members to have responsibility.
Plummer Court Monday – Group is getting busier and more NUCF volunteers are needed
Plummer Court Wednesday – Group continues to go from strength to strength. Previous sandwiches that were provided by Plummer are no longer available. Andy to look at options to have some food available for volunteers and clients.
Recovery Clinic – Terry feedback that the Thursday group very quiet with not much interaction from Plummer clients.

Guest Speakers – Louise Lane (Commissioner for Inclusion and Prevention) and Duncan Miller (Project Manager) from Newcastle Council
Louise and Duncan shared the briefing from Lifeline about the new Integrated Psychosocial Recovery Support and Care Co-ordination Service in Newcastle as well as the draft letter to go to Service Users outlining the changes. 
It was made clear that some services would close at the end of September. The harm reduction service and the Outlook service will stay in place and Lifeline are looking for new promises as well.
The new service will continue to give 121 support to clients and will make every effort to ensure it is a straight forward move for clients from their existing provider to Lifeline. This was one of the biggest concerns for the forum that no clients should “slip through the net”.

There will be a full review of all the I.T systems to make sure that all the client’s data is collated and available to Lifeline by 01/10/15 so clients continue to get the support they need.
Lifeline will be doing briefing sessions throughout September and are coming to talk to the NUCF on 3rd September to discuss their delivery model and what role the forum can play. Contact details for the Lifeline member of staff were given and the forum were encouraged to contact him with any concerns: Peter Kelsey from Lifeline Project Ltd on 07912308740 or via peter.kelsey@lifeline.org.uk

All the Lifeline information will be added to the NUCF blog.

Richard and Michael are going to be attending the sleep over in the Cathedral on Friday 11th and then be available to set up the forum stall on the day of the walk. Andy to book 2 tickets for the sleep over and conference.
£5 returnable deposit for coach seats is needed at the forum on 03/09/15
T shirt prices needed for 30 T shirts and a sample one needed for agreement and sign off. 

Big thank you and well done to Chris and Terry who completed the sponsored walk.

Next NUCF: 20/08/2015
Guest speakers will be the HAC Team
Location: Plummer

Chair: Martin