Plummer Court
Apologises: Martin
round the table.
Agenda/discussion points:
Update on Client Advisory Groups and
Trading Places – Explanation given to new people
about what TP does and how to volunteer. Andy gave an update on the staff rota
for cover in his absence to ensure that TP can continue to open every week.
Plummer Court Monday – Richie gave an update. Monday was
very quiet
Plummer Court Wednesday – Wednesday group was very busy.
Moving forward to NUCF will provide funds for sandwiches for the Monday and
Wednesday groups as Plummer are not able to. Also thanks to the members
attending the groups for abiding by the new no smoking policy at Plummer Court.
Recovery Clinic – No update.
Guest Speakers – Sarah Blakey Active
Inclusion Officer
Sarah came to the forum to feedback on early suggestions that it may be useful to have a forum presence at HAC. After meetings with the HAC team it was agreed that although the idea was potentially good the current logistics made it impractical; mainly due to lack of room, chaotic atmosphere and the number of services already engaging with HAC.
Sarah came to the forum to feedback on early suggestions that it may be useful to have a forum presence at HAC. After meetings with the HAC team it was agreed that although the idea was potentially good the current logistics made it impractical; mainly due to lack of room, chaotic atmosphere and the number of services already engaging with HAC.
A process was agreed that if the HAC team had a person that would benefit from talking to a forum member they would refer them on a Monday or a Wednesday to Plummer Ct to link in with the existing groups. One member attending the group wold be point of contact for HAC referrals.
shared that most people coming into HAC are people leaving private renting. She
asked the question what do members think is the most important thing when
looking for accommodation?
the area, safety, choice, a secure landlord, additional support e.g. budgeting,
transport links and most people preferred council properties.
The two T
shirt suppliers have proved unsuitable for our needs so we will not be using
them (thanks to Richie and Mark for their efforts around this). An on line
supplier has been identified that can give next day delivery at a lower cost.
The banner
design has been decided and proof passed on for printing onto banner
Tickets for
3 members to attend sleep out and conference have been ordered.
Date for
the diaries NUCF joint Christmas party will be on 18/12/15
Recovery Day Friday 21/08/2015
Recovery Walk 12/08/2015
Next NUCF: 03/09/2015
speakers will be the Life Line Project Team