Date: 08/01/2015
Location: Plummer Court
Update on Client Advisory Groups and Events
Trading Places – Trading Places continues to do really well and operates with no issues. Communication to the NUCF that travel expenses would only be paid by Andy prior to Sunday there would be no opportunity to get fares at TP.
Plummer Court – Main update was that the Introduction to 12 step group on Wednesday would be reinstated within the next 2 weeks. Anyone wanting to be involved in facilitation to see Andy.
Recovery Clinic - Terry updated and said is going well supporting people in end of care and continuing care. Some clients from the clinic attended the NUCF again further opportunities for involvement – see Andy.
Special Guest – Dr Christopher Hartworth
Christopher is a researcher doing work around the Super Strength Free scheme in the East End of the city. The pilot is based on a successful model running in Ipswich and is trying to avoid unsocial behaviour by street drinkers.
Christopher opened a discussion around would this discourage street drinking? Would it have a knock on effect in their lives? Would it lead to an escalation to different drinking e.g. from lager to vodka? Would it just mean people will go elsewhere to get the drink they want/need?
Feedback from the NUCF
People will go to any lengths and distance to get alcohol if they really want it
Younger people will buy anything they can to get the effects they want
There will always be under the counter sales
Allowing shops to sell to ‘regulars’ opens up the model for more abuse
Shops need to stop selling single cans and special cheap deals on alcohol
The scheme will lead to an increase in thefts
Some shops in the East End area are selling single vodkas that are being drunk in the shops.
There does seem to be fewer people sat around (this could be due to the weather)
Can we use ‘mystery shopper’ to see if the shops are abiding by their promises
The scheme could just move not tackle the actual problem
Solution would be to stop producing these super strength drinks
If the Ipswich model is embedded and working then we should give the Newcastle pilot a good chance too
Street drinking issues are rooted in poor housing options for those with substance use issues
Abstinent housing is needed
People need more things to do during the day to keep them off the streets
Can bar codes be added to the super strength bottles so they can be traced back to where they were bought from?
Lifeline Opportunities
Moving forward the forum will have a presence in Life Line Harm Reduction every Thursday morning. Depending on demand there may be additional opportunities for people to volunteer.
Opportunities available for peer mentoring work and qualifications via Lifeline. Anyone interested please contact Andy
Recovering Identities through Culture and Heritage
Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums are offering some road show events. The R.I.C.H event has been designed to support people in and addiction and justice recovery across T&W. Suzanne will be coming to the next NUCF to give us more details and to explain how we can be involved.
Check out
TW Museums
Joint User/Carer Forum New Year Event
The next joint service user and carer regional forum is taking place on Monday 2nd February at the SPACE Building at Newcastle College, Rye Hill Campus, Scotswood Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7SA.
Show of hands indicated that everyone present would like to attend.
Streetwise Opera
Streetwise Opera will be running some sessions over 11 weeks at the Recovery Centre starting on 15th January.
Check out
Street Wise Opera
Terry brought to the group an idea for a support group. Not just recovery issues but any and all issues that people may be interesting in discussing. It was agreed that if any members were interested they would liaise with Terry and if any support was needed from the NUCF then it would be discussed at the next forum.
Chris asked for more content for the blog so it can be kept up to date and relevant. Please contact Chris or Andy if you want to submit anything for the blog.
Check it out at
Next NUCF 22/01/15
Guest speaker – Suzanne Prak from Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums
Venue - Plummer Court
Chair – Andrea
Minute taker - Richard